Workshop 1

Writing Songs to a Target Audience

This workshop is based on The Pro Bundle of courses available on The Songwriter Workshop. It is designed to be a one day (or multi day) event, depending on the needs of each community, college or event organizers.

This Workshop is a hands on, interactive deep dive into the writing habits of a Pro-Songwriter, highlight the daily practices of successful songwriters and, their process for writing songs to the specific audiences they are targeting.

A Brief Overview of our Core Subjects include:
  • Becoming a Manager of Inspiration

  • Always Have The End Mind

  • Writing with Purpose & Authority

  • The Power of a Singular Theme

  • Who is our Target Audience and Why Are We Focusing on Them?

  • Form & Structure: The Building Blocks of a Hit Song

  • Using Style & Genre to Target Your Audience

  • Identifying Your Own Songwriting Voice and, Learning How To Develop It

  • Tone & Context: The Vital and Often Missing Ingredient

  • Preparing Your Song for Market

Note: The workshop is built upon the premise that each attendee signs up for the online Pro Bundle of courses, Writing Songs to a Target Audience, prior to the event. The Bundle contains 168 different lessons and more than 12 hours of video training, all of which provides each student with both an enduring takeaway and an online student/teacher relationship after the event. The cost of each student’s course can be written into the cost of the workshop.

If you are interested in hosting a workshop, or want to know more about costs or scheduling, click the LET'S SCHEDULE EVENT button below, send us an email and, let's see if we can make it happen.