Workshop 2

Unlocking Our Hidden Potential

Fostering Creativity within Communities

Workshop Description: 

Creativity is often misunderstood to be a talent possessed by a select few, while in reality, it's a skill that can be nurtured and developed by anyone.

In Unlocking Our Hidden Potential we address this issue to empower students to both recognize and cultivate their own innate creative abilities, regardless of their prior beliefs or self-perceptions.

Fear of failure, lack of confidence, lack of resources, external pressures, routine and habit, resistance to change, risk aversion, limited exposure to creativity, negative past experiences: these are just a few of the inhibitors to creativity.

In the context of fostering creativity we encourage students to adopt a Fertile Mindset, a practice that promotes; exploring new ideas, continuous improvement and collaboration, taking risks, learning from criticism, embracing challenges and finding inspiration in the success of others.

Through a combination of theoretical exploration, stories and testimonies, open and interactive discussion and hands-on exercises, students will learn to identify, navigate, and ultimately transcend the barriers that stand in the way of their creative expression.

Workshop Objectives:
  • Let's examine the spiritual, psychological, social, and environmental factors that can inhibit creativity.

  • Identifying personal barriers to creativity.

  • Strategies for overcoming common creative blocks and fostering a more open and expansive attitude towards creativity.

  • The Fertile Mindset and its role in fostering creativity.

  • Tools and techniques for re-framing self-limiting beliefs and embracing experimentation and learning.

  • Cultivating a supportive team environment for creativity in personal, community and professional contexts.

  • Practical techniques for generating ideas, embracing experimentation, and refining creative work.

  • Developing resilience and adaptability in the face of creative challenges and setbacks.

  • Preparing the way for a lifelong practice of creativity and innovation on both a personal and community level.

NOTE: Unlocking Our Hidden Potential is designed to be a 2 session Workshop, either over two concurrent evenings or (preferably) during one whole day. However for teams within communities, colleges, Churches and places of businesses, we also offer additional sessions for focused groups or teams and or, one on one mentoring for team leaders.

If you want to know more about the workshop, scheduling and or costs, click the button below, send us an email and Let's Chat.